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Lelo Tiani Harmony Aqua (net) (LE8649)
Lelo Tiani Harmony Aqua Green Vibrator. Follow your intuition and lose yourself in moments of shared pleasure with Tiani Harmony app-controlled vibrator for couples. It features two motors that bring arousal to both partners, leading to a most intimate common goal - a harmonious orgasm. The plan is simple - adjust Tiani Harmony, so both of you feel the vibrations and let the passion work its magic. Once comfortable, use the app to unleash the extra vibration patterns and reshape your daily routine into an orgasmic spectacle for two. Tiani Harmony is an app-connected vibrator for couples with two motors that work in unison to enhance the sensations of both partners during sex. The smooth, insertable tail is inserted into the vagina bringing sublime pleasure to both partners, while the external arm offers satisfying vibrations to stimulate the clitoris. Tiani Harmony features four default pleasure settings, which can be configured up to 10 using the designated LELO app. Product features: double the power. Two vibrating motors provide dual sensation inside and out. Wider range of intensities. Experience different levels of satisfaction with 10 powerful pleasure settings. App-Controlled. Connect and control your device via Bluetooth for extended pleasure. Fully waterproof. USB Rechargeable. Perfect for the bath and shower, with more power and less fuss. Warranty: 1 year warranty and 10 year quality guarantee. Materials PC+ABS Plastic, Body safe Silicone. Categories: Sex Toys for Couples, Rechargeable Vibrators, G-Spot, G-Spot Clit Stimulators. 2022.

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