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Size Matters 3 Inches Penis Enhancer Sleeve Beige (CNVXR-AF857)
Gain three inches of solid length and about an inch of girth with this penis enhancing sleeve! The firm, but flexible material feels realistic, with a bold head and bulging veins all down the shaft. Just lube up and shove your dick inside to give your partner a new sensation to try out during sex!

The solid 3 inches tip is followed by a hollow interior that allows for a snug and secure fit. You will love the huge nubs massaging your member on the inside. Create a custom fit by trimming the bottom of the sleeve to the perfect size! This material is compatible with silicone and water based lubricants. Use warm water and mild soap or a toy cleaner to clean after use.

Measurements 8.5 inches in total length, 5.5 inches insertable length. Interior diameter is 1.5 inches, exterior diameter is 2 inches. Material Thermoplastic Rubber TPR. Color Beige.

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