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Ohmibod Foxy Bluetooth App-controlled Wearable Panty Vibrator (CNVNAL-89116)

Slip into something more comfortable with OhMiBods Foxy!

This app-controlled wearable vibrator is designed for a great anatomic fit! This vibe curves to your body to hit all the right spots for the ultimate sensations. It features our signature Velvet Wave technology for a comfortable wear and a tickler for the perfect perineum pleasure! The positioning magnet allows you to wear the Foxy with your favorite pair of panties.

OhMiBods Foxy is Bluetooth-enabled for pleasure you can take outside the bedroom. Whether youre exploring new sensual fantasies or in a long-distance relationship, the Foxy is the perfect tool for igniting intimacy. Connect with a partner from anywhere in the world, at the touch of a button with the best-in-class OhMiBod Remote App. Here, you can connect the panty vibe to your favorite music via the Music Mode. Connecting to your Spotify or Apple music playlists for a night filled with your favorite sexy tunes. Take things outside the bedroom with the Club Vibe Mode, enabling the vibe to listen to ambient sounds, syncing the vibrations to match. This is the perfect opportunity to take your night out on the town to new heights!

You can bring your sexting game to a new level with in-App video conferencing! Watch in real-time as your partner experiences the vibrations you control at the touch of a button. Including in-app chat and photo sending, for when youre feeling more bashful. Just have your partner download the OhMiBod Remote App too and let the games begin! 

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