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Fetish Fantasy Remote Control Vibrating Panties Regular Size (CNVNAL-43765)

Can you keep a secret? Tucked away discreetly inside this sexy, low rise thong is a hidden micro bullet designed to rock your world! The soft, stretchy waistband is so comfortable, you will forget you are even wearing panties– until you turn on the secret micro stimulator. With the push of a button, the whisper-quiet motor comes to life and provides direct stimulation where you want it most. Choose from 20 pulsation patterns and go from a flutter to a throb instantly. The wireless remote control allows your partner to control the vibrations from the next room or across the dinner table, giving you a whole new element of surprise to your next rendezvous. Best of all, no one will ever know why you are smiling so much!

Battery: AAA (2 not included)

Battery: LR44 / AG13 (1.5V) (3 included)

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