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Satisfyer Air Pump Vibrator 5+ - Blue (CNVELD-SAT6544)
This vibrator offers a unique feature: The tip of the shaft can be inflated step by step at the touch of a button, increasing the diameter by up to 15 mm (from about 4-4.5 cm to 5.5-6 cm). It's easy to use as it inflates within 12 seconds by continuously pushing the button. Meanwhile, the diameter can be adjusted individually in between. Once you stop pushing the button, double click the button to release the air. On top of that, intensify your orgasms with the sensual pressure of the vibration function. The 12 vibration programs, which are driven by a powerful motor and provide intensive stimulation, can be operated independently. The voluminous shaft with the wide, rounded tip is designed specifically for your G-spot stimulation and brings you the most divine climaxes! The Air Pump Vibrator 5 Connect App has a practical holding ring that fits firmly in your hand even in wild moments and allows intuitive control of the functions via the control panel. The soft, skin-friendly silicone of the vibrator glides gently into you and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and some sexual wellness device cleaner. Control the device with our award-winning Satisfyer Connect app: Create your own vibration patterns or let it tremble to lustful music rhythms from Spotify. You can also relinquish control of the vibrator to your love - near or far - and discover even more exciting adventures..

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