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Satisfyer Hot Passion - Black (CNVELD-SAT1647)
Satisfyer Hot Passion: Versatile warming vibrator with app control. Get ready for hours of hot pleasure - with the Satisfyer Hot Passion! The anal vibrator with a girthy, curved shape and rounded tip is on the search for your P-spot to give it extensive stimulation. With the warming function, which heats the vibrator to 102.2 °F (39°C), the feeling becomes particularly realistic and authentic - your blood circulation is also boosted, which makes the stimulation even more intense. 12 preset vibration programs also ensure hot vibrations and can be easily controlled via the control panel. Even when things are getting wild, you'll have everything under control during your hot prostate massage thanks to the retaining ring. Owing to its girthy shape, the Satisfyer Hot Passion is also ideal for G-spot stimulation: The warming vibrator is unisex and can be used by all genders. Don't forget to thoroughly clean and disinfect the vibrator if you want to use it vaginally after anal stimulation. Get creative and connect the Satisfyer Hot Spot to the free Satisfyer Connect app for iOS and Android: Enjoy functions such as creating your own vibration patterns, let the warming vibrator vibrate to the beat of your favorite hits on Spotify, or hand over control to your sweetheart. With its soft surface made of body-friendly, high-quality silicone, the app-controlled Satisfyer Hot Passion is particularly gentle on your skin. Owing to the waterproof finish (IPX7), it doesn't shy away from adventures in your shower or bath. After thoroughly enjoying yourself, you can recharge the integrated batteries with the included USB charging cable.

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