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Mini Luna Beads Womans Fitness Essential (CNVELD-LL1692)
LELO LUNA Beads are the world's bestselling Kegel weights system. Available in two sizes - Classic and Mini - they ensure that every woman can find her perfect fit for the most effective pelvic floor workout. LELO's elegant update on the classic 'ben wa balls' offers users longer, stronger, more attainable orgasms; reduced risk of incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders; and a faster return to tone and tightness after giving birth. They are also the only Kegel exercise system that offers you the chance to mix and match weights; each set includes two 28g and two 37g beads which can be combined in the silicone harness for a more tailored routine. LUNA Beads Mini are designed for women under 30 who have never experienced childbirth. Girdle size: 75x30x10mm. Bead size: 29mm. Made of ABS and body safe Silicone.

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