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Finger F*ck Textured Glove Oxballs Black (CNVEF-EOXB-4389)
Finger F*ck Textured Glove from Oxballs. Introducing a whole new way to have sex Finger F*ck is a soft, super rubbery glove designed to transform your hand into the ultimate hole explorer. Each digit is tipped with a different shape and texture for a new sensation with every finger you shove in him. Finger Textured Glove is made from the signature Flex-TPR so it stretches to fit almost any sized mitt, the sleek shiny material looks nasty glistening with lube and disappearing up some hungry pigs hole. Working over an insatiable fist bottom?

Finger F*ck works perfectly for beefing up the size of your hands to satisfy even the biggest hole hog. Tickle him deep from the inside and watch him groan and squirm until he squirts. Or slather Finger Textured Glove in lube and jerk your junk, guarantee you have never had a hand job like this. Made using body safe Flex-TPR safe, non-toxic and phthalate free. Cleaning instructions wash with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly after use. Avoid storing touching other toys. Finger circumference, length 2.25 inches to 4 inches, 2.5 inches to 3.5 inches. Glove length, width stretches to fit your mitt: 8.25 inches, 3.25 inches to 5.5 inches. Glove opening circumference 5.25 inches. Color Black.

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