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Kink Dual Flex Vibrator Wireless Remote Black (CNVEF-EDJ-2406-50-3)
Designed for intensely pleasurable partner and solo play, this bendable silicone double ended vibrator features independently controlled motors in each end. Because each motor has its own button, one end can be powered off completely while the other is active, or each can be set to a different vibration pattern to enjoy (or withhold) any combination of the 10 powerful vibrating modes. The Kink Dual Flex Silicone Vibrator is fun and easy to use with the wireless remote control and magnetic USB charging cable.

Kink by Doc Johnson is an exciting collaboration with Kink.com to create a collection of high quality authentic fetish items suitable for long-term practitioners and new initiates alike.

Firm, flexible Silicone warms to body temperature. 10 powerful vibrating functions at each end. 2 independently controlled motors. Stimulating contoured ends. Wireless remote control. USB Rechargeable. Magnetic cable included. Charging time 3 hours, usage time 1 hour. Hypoallergenic, nonporous and odorless. Phthalate free, body safe. Dimensions total length 16 inches. Insertable, usable length 12.5 inches. Width, diameter 1.75 inches. Please note the remote control requires 2 AAA batteries, not included.

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